

23.09.14 01:28

Catherine Taylor
Communication & Content Manager

罕见病和孤儿病影响全球人口中相对较少的个体(不到200人),000 people in the US or less than 5 in 10,000 people in Europe). 由于与研究和开发相关的高成本和有限的患者池, companies developing such products often incur a financial loss, 因此,制药行业被迫忽视了许多罕见疾病.

激励制药公司解决罕见病患者未满足的需求, the Orphan Drug Act of 1983 was passed. 自该法案通过以来,美国批准的孤儿药数量大幅增加.S. has risen dramatically. In line with this increased resource, 需要进一步考虑如何将这些专门治疗药物安全地运送和分发给需要它们的患者.


尽管潜在患者的数量可能相对较少, 与非孤儿药相比,孤儿药通常需要运送到世界各地更多的地方. In addition to this, when orphan drugs are developed as personalized medicines, the transportation complexities increase. Some of these complexities include:

Temperature Sensitivity: 运输孤儿药的最大挑战之一是它们的温度敏感性. Many of these products are biologics, gene therapies, 或者其他需要精确温度控制以保护其疗效的先进疗法. 在运输过程中,即使是很小的温度偏差也会导致全球十大赌钱软件app降解-可能使其无效甚至对患者有害.

Cold Chain Logistics: 强大的冷链对许多孤儿药的运输至关重要. This requires effective transportation solutions, experienced partners, 并在运输过程的每个阶段对利益相关者进行适当的培训.

Temperature Extremes: 一些孤儿药需要在极低的温度下储存,通常低于冰点. 其他可能需要储存在受控的室温或稍冷的条件下. 任何偏离这些要求的情况都会影响药品的质量和疗效.

Global Accessibility: 跨国界运输这些药物可能会给这一过程增加额外的复杂性. Customs procedures, import/export regulations, 不同的国际标准可能会在运输过程中造成瓶颈和延误.

Selecting a Packaging Solution: Finding the right balance

确保正确的剂量在正确的时间和正确的条件下到达正确的病人身上可能是一项挑战. 为这些珍贵的货物寻找最有效的运输解决方案, 您不仅要了解要交付的全球十大赌钱软件app的需求, 但也要根据性能和您期望从提供商获得的服务级别来评估任何解决方案. This includes:

Precise Temperature Control: For drugs that demand strict temperature control, 无论在最极端的环境条件下,始终选择能够在整个运输过程中保持一致温度范围的包装解决方案. 考虑供应商在与温度偏差相关的可靠性方面的过去表现,以及如果在运输中出现任何延迟,解决方案可以保持稳定温度的时间.

Cold Chain Expertise: 始终选择在运输温度敏感全球十大赌钱软件app方面具有丰富专业知识的供应商. 他们应该了解制药行业的严格标准,应该能够为您提供针对您的特定全球十大赌钱软件app和操作的建议. By leveraging their cold chain know-how, 你们可以共同努力,确保货物顺利装运并保持全球十大赌钱软件app的功效.

Real-time Monitoring and Data Logging: Solutions should be able to monitor temperature, location, and other environmental conditions in real time. 这种级别的监控允许在整个发货过程中完全了解全球十大赌钱软件app的状态. With true shipment monitoring services, alerts can be sent if an unexpected event occurs during transit, enabling swift corrective action. 这种积极主动的方法确保患者在最佳状态下接受药物,并降低全球十大赌钱软件app浪费的风险.

Regulatory Compliance: When qualifying a new solution, 确保您的供应商能够为您提供详细的文件和认证支持. This can help you to streamline the qualification process and, in many cases, help you to get the product to the patient more quickly.

Global Reach: 确保您的解决方案提供商可以为您提供全球支持,并在全球拥有良好的网络. 这将使通往各个地区的运输变得高效可靠, helping to address the global accessibility challenge. 在主要制药中心的强大存在确保了温度控制的货物可以跨国界无缝管理.


Key Takeaways

一种孤儿药从实验室到患者使用是一个复杂的过程. The challenges of storage, handling, and regulatory compliance, 是否会阻碍这些改变生活的疗法的传播,如果使用不当, can ultimately affect patient safety. However, with the right packaging solution, ongoing collaboration, and a patient-centric approach, the barriers to shipping rare disease treatments can be overcome, ensuring that every patient, regardless of how rare their condition, has access to the therapies they desperately need.

可以赌足球的app, 温控包装解决方案的领先供应商, 在解决与运输和处理孤儿药相关的复杂挑战方面发挥关键作用. 我们经验丰富的销售和运营团队直接与客户合作,精心规划出货, 确保这些关键药物在整个供应链中的完整性和有效性.

Click here to download our top facts about Orphan Drugs infographic.

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